After almost two years of covid-related delays, the Club was finally able to engage Meridian Construction Services to complete another piece of our building masterplan. The construction work included:
• Expansion of the Noel Gale Lounge, new café and lounge toilets
• A dedicated Family Terrace overlooking a new outdoor children’s playground
• Expansion to indoor and alfresco gaming rooms, new gaming bar/ cashier and new gaming toilets
• Modifications to the first-floor offices and refurbishment of changerooms
The above-noted work was fully completed in October 2022 at a total construction cost of $3.66 million. We consider it critical to our future to offer a range of services, products and amenities that appeal to a broad demographic and our latest renovation places us one step closer to this objective. Of equal importance, the Club has an obligation to the community to repay your support by offering facilities at an affordable cost. The Family Terrace is just one example of this, and we are proud to offer a facility where parents can enjoy a day out with their children at little or no cost. It is encouraging to see an influx of families utilising the new area, whether it be to celebrate a birthday or interact in a mothers’ group setting.
Despite the above-mentioned challenges, the Board is currently working towards another major renovation in 2024. The Alpen Terrace is set to receive a significant upgrade in the form of a new outdoor bar, function pavilion, and sports screen which will be accessible to members via a new rear entrance from the Bridge Road carpark. The majority of the construction work will occur throughout winter to ensure as little disruption as possible to members.
Watch us transform this space.
Anthony Lico, General Manager.